Installation beacon

The installation beacon is another variant of the beacon powered by Bluetooth 5 technology and controlled by the nRF52832 microcontrolle. The maximum transmit power here is +4 dBm. Its modular design in combination with a dedicated AC adapter proposes a new approach in arranging units of this type.

The dimensions of the beacon itself do not exceed 24 mm x 22 mm. Combined with the AC adapter, the design grows to just 42mm x 26mm. The small dimensions allow the beacon to be placed almost anywhere, provided that the 230 VAC network is connected there. The concept assumes the use of empty spaces in building infrastructure, such as: the interior of emergency signs, gaps in lighting ceilings or areas above the soffits to store radio transmitters..

Contrary to BluetoothTag beacons, they should be mounted and positioned parallel to the ceiling, so that the ceramic antenna used is directed towards the floor. The device is designed for any installation as long as the directional antenna is oriented.

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